Friday, November 14, 2008

Really Big Post, Like Wow!

So, here are some of the sketches I've done in the last two days, plus stuff I did for my design class AND parts of a magazine for my final in my 3D animation class. Hopefully this makes up for being such a jerk... at least somewhat... maybe.

Paper guillotine. it did happen.

then some more bum shots.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Hodg Podge.. :D

kay so heres the best/ only decent ones from the life drawing thing i went to.. plus.. the painting im not sure if im done yet.. and a picture of my design projects.

Monday, November 3, 2008

little something.

it's not much. but it's what i did in Baroque class today... yeaaah.
just the back of the guys head who was sitting in front of me